Tuesday, August 5, 2008

All hail broke loose

We made the long drive across the border on Saturday evening and 4 miles later we turned off the highway and headed for "the hills". We got up there before the sun went down and in time for homemade onion rings, fries and good Alberta roast beef. Was it ever tasty. Grandma and Grandpa were up for the weekend too (miraculously). So that meant card games. We played Black Sevens with the kids and Rook for the adults. Surprisingly, some of my younger cousins hadn't learned Rook yet. I think that might be a Quinton sin. LOL! So we taught Josh and Kenzie how to play way into the dark of night by lantern light in the camp kitchen. By that point we were freezing and had to build the fire waaaayyy up. Dad already had his tent up and there was room for myself and Hunter so we threw done some sleeping bags for the night. Morning came early it seemed and the hard cold ground wasn't all that bad. But after breakfast the rain clouds start to pile up in the west. We could hear the thunder far off and hoped it would miss us. No such luck. Dad wanted to show me a spot out in the bush that Carl want to make our immediate family camping spot. We got in the 4x4 and headed out to the bottom land. Just as we pulled out we were deluged with hail. It continued for at least 15 minutes. By the time my uncle had come back in from church an hour later there was still hail out on the gravel road. Made for a bit of sloppy camping. Then again it is Alberta and the weather changes very quickly. The sun peeked through the clouds and dried us out a bit. Made sleeping in the tent that night much more pleasant. Monday morning I was the first one up. There was frost on the ground! It was absolutely freezing! BBBBRRRRR!!!!



How fun ! I have been dreaming of cold refreshing compared with triple digit temps !